Breast Enlargement Joys of…
Whenever you do a search on the web about breast enlargement surgery, it seems there’s an awful lot of warnings and “down-side’s” articles. Doesn’t it seem like that’s how the news often goes? All gloom and doom. It can seem quite disheartening for a gal first looking into having breast augmentation, as there are numerous reports about failed implants or women developing some sort of health threatening complication. Such highly publicized news can be very discouraging to you if you have always wanted larger breasts and have been contemplating surgery to enlarge your bust.
So why not talk about the upsides and the many happy women that have breast augmentation surgery and are thrilled with their results? The truth should actually—happily—surprise you!
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (of such accreditation only should your surgeon hold!)
- 98% of women having undergone breast augmentation said their results “…met or exceeded their expectations.”
- More than 50% of the women surveyed rated their results as “a perfect 10.”
- 85% rated their breast size as being “just right.”
- A mere 13% wished they’d gotten larger breasts.
- Average pain rating, on a scale from 1 to 10, was a 5.9.
- Most women were off work 5 to 7 days, and were able to manage pain with prescription pain medication.
- Most felt they were “back to normal” after 25 days.
This is a only brief synopsis of the report findings given by the ASPS, but these stats should give you some much-needed encouragement to offset all of the scare media designed(?) to instill doubt as whether or not to have a boob job.
It really is true what “they” say: bad news sells.