Top 10 Questions to Ask a Plastic Surgeon Before Breast Augmentation
Undergoing breast augmentation is one of the bigger decisions you will make in your life and as such should not be entered into lightly. It is important to do your research and find a qualified plastic surgeon you feel comfortable with. With the surge of interest in cosmetic procedures, many doctors are advertising themselves as plastic surgeons — and any doctor who graduated medical school can make that claim. With that in mind, it is particularly important that you get enough information from your surgeon to make an informed decision. Here are ten of the most important questions I recommend asking:
1. Are you certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery? If not, why not?
This is a very important question to ask and is listed first for a reason. The American Board of Plastic Surgery holds their members to very high standards and ensures that its surgeons are qualified at performing your procedure.
2. How long have you been performing breast implant surgery?
Experience does not always equal talent but there is a good chance that the longer a surgeon has been successfully performing breast augmentations, the more prepared he or she is to deliver the results you want.
3. How many breast implant surgeries do you perform a month?
This question is important to understand how often your surgeon performs your desired procedure. If he or she performs a great many a month, chances are your surgery will be very routine and efficient.
4. How many revisions of your own work, on average, do you perform?
In order to gauge how likely you are to undergo a secondary, corrective surgery it is important to understand how often the surgeon has to go back and correct his or her work. Obviously, the fewer times the better as undergoing a second surgery is never a welcome occurrence.
5. Can I see some before-and-after photos?
In this case, photos certainly do speak 1000 words. By viewing before and after photos, you can get a good idea of how your breasts will look and determine if you like the outcome the surgeon provides.
6. Can I speak with some of your past breast implant patients?
In addition to seeing the surgeon’s work, speaking with past patients is a good way to get the full picture of the surgeon’s process. From his demeanor to availability after surgery, former patients can provide a complete idea of what you should expect.
7. If I don’t like the results of my surgery, what can I do?
You are undergoing breast surgery to make yourself happier and as such it is important to understand what recourse you have should you be unsatisfied with your results. You do not want to be stuck with breasts you are unhappy with.
8. Are silicone breast implants or saline implants better for me — and why?
It is important for you to understand what is going into your body and why. Your surgeon may prefer one type of implant over another and it is to your advantage that you have a full understanding of the reasons behind that preference.
9. What breast size do you suggest for my body frame?
A good plastic surgeon will have an eye for what size will look best on your frame. Although you may already have an ideal size in mind, it is important to get the surgeon’s professional opinion to ensure you will be happy with the results.
10. What are the possible risks of breast implant surgery?
As with all surgeries, there are some risks involved with breast implant surgery. In order to make a fully informed decision, it is important that you understand the risk involved in the procedure.
Being fully informed as to the skill of your surgeon and what to expect from your surgery is a crucial ingredient in a successful breast augmentation experience. So often, I have spoken to other women thinking about undergoing breast surgery and they have no place to start. It is my hope that although the list of questions could go on and on, that these ten questions should give you a solid base in which to determine whether or not a surgeon is a good fit for you.