What? “Mother’s Day boob job,” for Mother’s Day???? Okay. As kooky as that might sound—even creepy or odd—just hear us out. Of course this will depend on the kind of relationship you have with your mom, but mostly we’re talking about husbands for wives, boyfriends for girlfriends, or adult kids who have grown up and know mom has hinted about wanting bigger breasts or even openly said she’s going to get or would like to have breast augmentation. Why not buy her the boobs she has always wanted and honor her deepest desires this Mother’s Day?
The procedure has become so popular and common, as well as safe, relatively easy, and has such a high percentage of satisfaction (reports show over 90% of women who’ve received breast enlargement are ‘very satisfied’), is it really such a peculiar gift? Heck, several adult children could kick in together for the cost! Furthermore, with the recent FDA approval of the famed “gummy bear” implants (perfected by Sientra) and their fantastic improvement over conventional silicone breast implants, now might be the perfect time to give her the breast size she’s always wished she had. This could really give her a great new outlook on life!
“But Mother’s Day is in less than three days,” you might say. So what? Hand her the appointment card or a nice Mother’s Day Boob Job card that informs her of your plans. It might take a little coaxing to get her to move forward, but you know she’ll be thrilled. Why not make her happy? Happiness is the best gift she could get.